Home Energy Assistance Programs
Helping individuals through temporary utility payment challenges

Home energy assistance programs help income-qualified individuals experiencing a financial challenge pay their energy bill and remain in their home.
Energy costs can place stress on a household budget, whether the income is low, or the household is experiencing a financial emergency. In some instances, the household is forced to make painful decisions regarding which bills to pay and which necessities to survive without.

Bergen County residents
Experiencing a temporary challenge involving utility bill payment
Household must be responsible for paying heating/cooling costs directly to the fuel supplier
Other specific requirements depending on assistance program
At your in-person appointment, your counselor will work with you one-on-one to determine the best program(s) to help you:

There is no charge for any of our energy payment services
Email applications to: LIHEAP@GreaterBergen.org
Mail applications to: Greater Bergen LIHEAP, 294 Union Street Hackensack, NJ
Deliver applications in person to the following drop box location:
294 Union Street, Hackensack, NJ 07601
If special accommodations are required (homebound or wheelchair), please call for an appointment.
If you have any questions, please call: (201) 488-5100, press 2.
After you call, your counselor will tell you what you need to bring from this list.
Complete application with all required forms.
Proof of income for all household members 18 years or older.
Last four consecutive pay stubs (if paid weekly); Last two consecutive pay stubs (if paid bi-weekly)
Copy of pension statement showing gross or 1099
Current unemployment clients: A200 printout (obtain at 60 State Street, Hackensack,NJ)
18+ and attending school full-time: school schedule with credits shown and/or letter from school indicating you are attending full-time
If you receive assistance from family or friends because your income doesn’t cover rent/mortgage: written statement showing monthly amount of assistance. Letter must include date, name address and phone number with signature.
Current income tax return: all pages with signature. If you didn’t file taxes, you must sign the Certification of No Income Tax Filing + 4506-T form.
If you receive government benefit (SSA, SSI, SSD), submit current proof, such as a copy of the check, current award letter, or bank statement.
Social Security cards for all household members (copy of card will be accepted)
Legal residents: submit a copy of your Resident Card. If you do not have a Resident Card, submit a copy of your current passport and Certification of no Social Security number
Most recent utility bill, e.g., PSE&G (all pages) and/or last bill of fuel deliverables (oil)
Proof of ownership or rent
Current lease (expired not accepted) or completed Tenant Verification Form
Housing letter (if you receive Section 8)
Mortgage statement and/or property tax bill
Homeowners with rental units must complete Rental Income Form
All three pages of NJ Home Energy Programs Application
Cooling applicants: original Doctor’s certification form
Completed Fair Hearing Form
Home visits are available to assist the disabled and homebound individuals filing for LIHEAP
Greater Bergen Community Action
294 Union Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
*not wheelchair-accessible