Financial & Housing Counseling

GBCA offers a full array of programs and services aimed at helping individuals and families gain greater stability in their financial lives through financial literacy education and housing counseling, where credit issues can be identified and resolved. GBCA is a HUD-Approved Housing Counseling Agency and is equipped to provide counseling that covers the full spectrum from basic budgeting and money management, to understanding credit reports, to taking the step to purchasing a home. GBCA has a team of certified credit counselors on staff who work with individuals on a one-on-one basis to address their specific issues.

Empowering individuals through Economic Development
Financial Literacy Education: Includes group classes and workshops or one-on-one sessions that focus on basic banking and money management, including, but not limited to, budgeting, savings and investment on a shoestring, understanding insurance, and understanding loans.
Credit Counseling: Focuses on resolving credit issues, household budgeting, money management, and accessing and understanding credit reports.
Housing Counseling: Includes pre and post-purchase housing counseling and mortgage default and delinquency counseling. Through both group workshops and one-on-one counseling sessions, individuals receive assistance in navigating the complicated process of purchasing a house and how to avoid many of the pitfalls that can ultimately result in default or foreclosure.
Counseling services are available to Bergen County residents who are income eligible.
All clients will go through an intake process, where information is collected and their financial situation assessed. Depending on their specific interest or issues identified, an action plan will be developed and the client referred to a specific workshop and/or scheduled for further counseling.
Call 201-488-5100 extension 7051 for more information.
Your counselor will contact you for a prescreen interview and to set up an in-person appointment
Your counselor will tell you what documentation to bring to your appointment from the list below
GBCA Financial & Housing Counseling
294 Union Street
Hackensack, NJ 07601
(201) 488-5100
Monday - Friday 9 am – 5 pm