Community Development Opportunities

Unity Health Partnership will be a model of accessible, quality, and comprehensive care for the low-income, underserved and the underinsured to receive the kind of care everyone deserves.

Garfield's Passaic Street corridor has all the elements to be New Jersey's next prosperous transit community. Greater Bergen is the creator and Master Redeveloper of the Garfield 1st Ward Revitalization Plan.

1st Bergen Federal Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial institution, whose focus is serving the financial needs of its members rather than making a profit. Our credit union typically offers higher rates on savings, and lower rates on loans.

CAP Solar New JErsey 1 LLC is a unique green technology business collaboration that specializes in the implementation of solar energy projects designed to lower operating costs for Community Action Agencies and other non-profit organizations serving low-income communities throughout New Jersey.

Investing in our community through innovative business ventures